Top Energy Resources in India

Energy resources are used to meet the day to day needs of the human beings. In our day to day life we use various resources for getting completed our work. We use energy resources for trains, ship, vehicles, airplanes, lightning, heating, cooking, refrigeration, air conditioners, washing machines etc. Electricity generated through these energy sources is used in offices, homes, shops, school etc.

There are two types of energy resources

1. Conventional Energy Resources

Conventional energy resources are non renewable and are limited in stock. Conventional Energy resources were used from ancient times and we have utilized it a lot and now the conventional resources are available for only next 100 years. Natural Gas, Coal, Petroleum, Wood and Oil are the types of Conventional energy resources.

2. Non-Conventional Energy Resources

Non Conventional Energy resources are renewable, infinite and economical. As compared to conventional energy sources non-conventional energy sources are not used abundantly. Also non-conventional energy sources are cheaper than conventional energy sources. Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Solar Energy are some of the non conventional energy resources.

Energy resources in India

Description on the types of Conventional Source of Energy


Coal plays a dominant role in energy source and has created an industrial revolution all over the world and is one of the type of fossil fuel. But coal is limited, non renewable and we should limit on the usage of the coal. India ranks 3rd country in producing the coal. Coal is used for heating house, steaming engines, generating electricity through thermal plants etc. India met its 63% energy requirement from coal itself. India has 200 billion tons coal reserves. Burning of coal produces air pollution and the oxides releases after burning are acidic oxides. These acidic oxides pollutes water, air and results in acidic rain.

Natural Gas

Natural Gas is derived from thousand years ago buried plants, animals, gases and is one of the type of fossil fuel. Natural Gas is used as an energy source for generating electricity, heating, cooking, in form of fuel for vehicles etc. Before using natural gas it is processed for removing the impurities and makes it useable. Natural gas is also used for manufacturing steel, iron, plastic, paints, fabrics, fertilizers etc.

Petroleum Products:

Petroleum is derived from the crude oil and natural gas. Petroleum products are used for lighting, heating and for electricity generation also. Petroleum products can be stored easily and so are used widely in vehicles. Petroleum products are also raw materials for the production of synthetic fibers, rubbers, fertilizers, organic chemicals etc.


From ancient times wood has been used as a source of energy for heating, cooking etc. In rural India Bio Mass is used on large scale. To generate energy from wood large numbers of woods are cut but if the trees are planted adequately we will get wood supply on large scale. Cow dung cakes are also one of the types of Bio Mass. When these bio mass are burnt much heat is not produced but smoke is produced a lot. Bio-Mass if found in abundant is used for generating electricity and for industry process also. Bio-Gas also known as Gobar gas is widely used in rural areas of India as an energy source.

Description on the types of Non Conventional Source of Energy

Wind Energy

Wind Energy is renewable, environment friendly and most popularly non conventional source of energy. Wind Energy is used to draw water from the wells, pounding grains and now a days it is used for generating electricity also. Wind Energy is built in area where winds blow regularly and the speed of wind is 15 Km per hour. Wind energy is clean energy but birds get killed when they pass through the wind rotator. Wind Energy is superior in states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.

Solar Energy

There is abundant and unlimited source of solar energy which we get from sun everyday. Solar energy is abundant, economical and is the most important non conventional energy source in India. Through solar energy we can cook food, heat water, heat area, dry harvest and can remove salt from water. During day time through solar energy electricity is generated. Also to generate solar energy the sky should be cloud free. The biggest solar plants are in states Gujarat, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Delhi. In India some places solar cookers and solar heaters are used.

Tidal Energy

Tidal Energy is also abundant and unlimited but still tidal energy is not used widely. Tidal energy converts the energy of tides in the sea into the form of electricity. For Tidal energy big dams are to be constructed and it’s possible in limited places only. Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat has the first tidal power station in India. Tidal energy is the only non conventional energy which is costly. Tidal power has some environmental issues like they affect the marine life.

Geothermal Energy

Geo thermal Energy is generated from the interior heat of the Earth. Geothermal Energy is environment friendly and is used to generate geothermal electricity and geo thermal heating. This energy can be also used for the purpose of cooling or heating of buildings by running steam turbines. India was one of the earliest country to start the geo thermal plant in 1970 but today this geothermal plants have stopped operating. As compared to solar and wind energy geothermal energy are clean as they don’t have to burn any fuels.

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