How to Increase Your Credit Score Quickly to 750+ Levels

Your financial picture is incomplete without a credit score. The increasing dependence on credit to finance your needs and wants has given credit score massive importance.

This simple 3-digit number — between 300 and 900 — summarizes your borrowing history, denotes your creditworthiness and tags you as either a safe or a risky borrower.

What is a credit score?

A credit score is a number that represents the credit risk you hold. Your credit score is calculated on the basis of the information available in your credit report that includes your payment history, the length of your credit history and your outstanding debt.

You can easily check your credit score online for free.

How good is your credit score? Check this table to find out:

Credit Score Levels Credit Health What It Means To You
750 and aboveGreatLower interest rate, quick approval process, and excellent loan terms
700 – 749GoodGood interest rates
650 – 699FairOptions are limited
600 – 649DoubtfulMay get a loan but with higher than the normal interest rate
Below 600RiskySlim chances of getting a loan

If your credit score is below 750, you need to pull up your socks and work towards getting there. Wondering why it is so important to have a credit score above 750?

So, let’s go through the benefits of having a credit score above 750.

  • Quick loan approvals: A good CIBIL score indicates your positive creditworthiness, which means faster loan approvals.
  • Credit on low-interest rate: The higher the credit score, the better are your chances of getting a low-interest rate and also discount offers on interest.
  • Low credit risk: A healthy credit score means you have a low-risk profile. Banks and NBFCs love that and are ready to offer preferential pricing to you.
  • Credit card benefits: A high credit score reflects your ability to manage finance responsibly and hence it attracts credit cards with higher credit limits and multiple rewards and benefits.
  • A higher personal line of credit limit: A high credit score will not only help you get a lower rate of interest and higher credit limits on loans and credit cards but also on a personal line of credit.

Thus, a credit score of 750+ is essential to enjoy benefits that go beyond loans and credit cards.

How to Boost Your Credit Score to 750+ Levels

Hitting the big 750 is like training yourself to be healthy and fit. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of time, effort, perseverance, sacrifice and discipline.

But once you achieve it, you are open to a lot of benefits. However, sustaining it could be a challenge. You have to be responsible and continuously manage your finances.

One wrong move can easily bring down your credit score by 100 points.

Not yet achieved a credit score of 750+? Here’s what you need to do.

1. Take Charge of Your Payment History

The best way to gallop towards a 750 credit score is to manage your payment history. Because this move will have the highest impact on pushing your score towards 750.

If you are grappling with past delinquent payments, missed or late payments which have adversely impacted your credit score, they may not go away easily.

But with your persistent efforts, while you are on the path to achieving a credit score of 750, they won’t be there to haunt you forever.

  • Stay current with your payments.
  • Set reminders to keep track of the bill payments dates. Use apps or go the old-fashioned way and jot them down on a paper calendar.

2. Reduce the Total Outstanding Debt

If you have large amounts of multiple debts you’ll find it difficult to inch closer to the attractive 750 figure. So, your next move should be reducing your total outstanding debt.

  • Make a list of all your accounts.
  • Find out how much you owe each month and the interest rate applied on each of these accounts.
  • Stop using your credit cards.
  • Come up with a repayment plan to pay off the accounts that are not in good standing.
  • Target paying off highest interest, most recent debt first.

3. Keep Old Credit Accounts Open:

Closing down accounts may appear as an excellent move towards better debt management. But it’s a hype; don’t fall for it.

The age of the accounts is one of the factors contributing to your credit score. That means, if you have a well-maintained open account, it will take you a step closer to a 750+ credit score.

However, if you close several accounts, which are in good standing without considering their age, you may end up reducing your credit score.

4. Improve Your Credit Portfolio

A good credit mix ensures a good credit score. There are two types of loans: Secured and Unsecured.

To push your credit score to 750+, you should ensure that you have a balanced mix of unsecured loans like personal loans and secured loans like home loans.

The right mix of secured and unsecured loans will bring you closer to 750+ credit score.

Also Read: How to Get Home Loan in India Complete Guide

5. Don’t Make Too Many Loan or Credit Card Inquiries

It may appear as an innocent credit inquiry, but too many can ruin your credit score. These inquiries get registered with the credit bureau and reflect in your credit report whenever a lender pulls it up.

Too many loan inquiries portray you in a bad light as lenders get the impression that you have difficulty in managing your finances, thus making them doubt your capability to repay the borrowed loan.

So, unless it’s absolutely essential, don’t make too many credit card or loan inquiries.

6. Diversify Your Credit Portfolio:

A well-diversified credit portfolio can positively impact your credit score. Therefore, consider having a mix of credit products, such as credit cards, personal loans, and auto loans.

7. Keep Old Credit Accounts Open:

The length of your credit history can affect your credit score. Therefore, it’s advisable to keep old credit accounts open even if you’re not using them actively.

8. Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report:

Credit bureaus can make mistakes on your credit report, which can negatively impact your credit score. If you notice any errors on your credit report, dispute them with the credit bureau.

In conclusion

Having a good credit score is crucial for financial stability and freedom. It allows you to access credit at lower interest rates and better terms, which can help you achieve your financial goals.

In India, credit scores are used by lenders, banks, and other financial institutions to evaluate your creditworthiness. A good credit score can make it easier for you to get a loan, credit card, or other financial products.

To improve your credit score, you need to practice good credit habits such as paying bills on time, reducing credit utilization, and diversifying your credit portfolio. You should also monitor your credit score regularly and take corrective actions when necessary.

Remember that improving your credit score takes time and effort. It’s a gradual process that requires discipline and patience. But by following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can gradually improve your credit score and achieve your financial goals.

So, take control of your credit score today and start building a better financial future for yourself.

How often are credit scores updated?

Credit scores are usually updated every month. However, the frequency of updates can vary between credit bureaus.

What happens when you miss a payment?

When you miss a payment, it can negatively impact your credit score. Your creditor may also charge late payment fees and interest. It’s crucial to make payments on time to avoid these consequences.

Can you improve your credit score quickly?

Improving your credit score requires patience and discipline. There’s no magic formula to improve your credit score overnight. However, you can gradually improve your credit score by paying bills on time, reducing credit utilization, and diversifying your credit portfolio.

What is a good credit score in India?

Credit scores in India range from 300 to 900. A credit score of 750 or above is considered good, while a score below 600 is considered poor.

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