10 Best Online Data Entry Jobs from Home in India without Investment

online data entry jobs

Data entry jobs are very simple. In fact, almost everyone that has basic skills to use a computer and the Internet can work from home on these online data entry jobs. Also, data entry jobs are suitable for students to work from home along with their studies.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or working professional, student or retiree, you can apply for and take any of these 10 best data entry jobs online from home that’s available in India without investment.

Investment in Data Entry Jobs

There’s a reason why I emphasize the words: “without investment.” You’ll come across countless ads in newspapers, magazines as well as online that promise very high pay for simple data entry jobs. 

However, such jobs come with a catch. The employer might ask you to buy some special software they claim would be necessary to perform such jobs.

In some instances, the employer might also ask you to keep a cash deposit under the condition that they would forfeit the money if you fail to meet their targets.

Let me assure you that any employer of data entry jobs that are asking you to pay something is usually a scammer. 

That’s because they’ll provide you with software and targets that aren’t really necessary for the work. And even if software and targets are needed, then it’s the employer’s duty to provide them free of cost.

There’s a strong reason why any employer shouldn’t ask you to invest in data entry jobs. That’s because you’ll be investing your precious time.

And of course, money in the form of electricity bills for using your computer and costs on Internet usage. These are already your investments in online data entry jobs and you deserve payment for that.

10 Best Data Entry Jobs from Home without investment

At the same time, it isn’t difficult to find the 10 best online data entry jobs in India without investment. All you need to do is understand the types of jobs that are available and take one that matches your skills.

Superb data entry jobs are available from job boards, which I will discuss later in this article. However, here’s my curated list of the 10 best online data entry jobs that require no investment.

1. Data Entry Operator

A data entry operator’s task involves taking raw data from online or offline sources that your employer will provide. You’ve to key in the necessary data from these sources on templates, which are also provided by the employer. 

This job usually involves targets. Main employers include organizations that get paper forms or online forms filled by applicants. Since these forms contain lots of information that’s not really necessary, you only have to enter the data that’s useful for the employer.

2. Captcha Filling

Generally, captchas are a type of image that contains text, numbers or any other details. These are used by websites to ensure that you’re not a spammer. You can get an online data entry job as a captcha filler too.

 This job can be a bit boring since you would spend the better part of the day solving captchas and filling them on various websites. However, captcha filling is a superb online data entry job, if you have enough patience.

 At the same time, this online data entry job doesn’t require any special educational qualifications.

3. Online Forms

2 10 Best Online Data Entry Jobs from Home in India without Investment

Filling out online forms is also an online data entry job that requires only basic knowledge of the Internet and some typing skills. These online forms have to be filled by you from the raw data such as audios and videos or paper forms that’re provided by the employer. 

You have to sort out the data and fill the online forms with relevant details that’re available. This is one of the simplest online data entry jobs. However, it is monotonous and hence, you would require a very high level of concentration for such a job.

4. Proofreading

3 10 Best Online Data Entry Jobs from Home in India without Investment

Proofreading is a job that would require superb English, grammar and punctuation skills. This is a very complex job and online proofreaders indeed make a lot of money. 

As an online proofreader, you will have to check advertisements, business cards, invitation letters, news reports and other articles for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and correct them. 

This is an interesting job since you would get to read manuscripts of books and other such stuff firsthand, before they reach the public.

5. Copy and Paste Jobs

One of the simplest kinds of online data entry jobs are copy and paste jobs. As the term itself suggests, you’ve got to copy text from one source and paste it in on the format provided by the employer. 

Such text is usually from online reference books and other important documents. Since there’re no changes to be made to the original text, your task is very simple. ]

You would require only basic Internet and computer skills and a high level of concentration to take the copy and paste jobs. 

Such jobs can also involve filling forms.

6. Captioning

Captioning is another great option from the list of online data entry jobs without investment. this job requires a high level of creativity alongside basic Internet and computer skills.

It involves seeing scores of different pictures every day, selecting the best one and giving them a creative caption. 

Such jobs are also available from retailers that wish to sell their products through their online stores. You’ll require a keen sense of observation to give these captions and highlight various features of a product or service, that appears in the picture.

 However, this is a very interesting and engrossing online data entry job that you could take.

7. Medical Coder

4 10 Best Online Data Entry Jobs from Home in India without Investment

A Medical coder has to read the health reports of patients. They analyze their medical history, conditions under-diagnosis and other details as well as treatments and therapies they’re taking or have taken in the past. 

Medical coders transcribe codes into the shorthand style, references by doctors, medical professionals and health insurance companies. You will require a certificate in medical coding to take this online data entry job. This job is also open to medical students and nursing students, among others. 

8. Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptions are one more type of online data entry job from home that you can take without investments. This job includes listening to raw audio of talks between one or more physicians with a patient, operation theatre chatter or exchanges of communications between ambulance staff and hospital. 

All these talks are about a patient’s medical condition and their treatment. You have to take only relevant portions of these talks and create concise, short online summaries that doctors can refer to anytime.

9. Conversion of Image to Text

Converting images to text is an interesting online data entry job. You will get several pictures or images from the employer. You’ve to find hidden text on these pictures, write explanations in 100 words to 150 words and submit them.

 However, your conversion of the image to the text should be accurate enough for the employer to accept. You could try your hand or rather, eyes, at this easy data entry job from home with practice pictures that’re available on the Internet.

10. Converting Audio to Text

This is one of the simplest data entry jobs. However, converting audio to text isn’t similar to transcriptions. There’s one vast difference. Transcriptions mean taking only relevant information and making precise transcripts.

Converting audio to text means writing what’s said in the entire audio or even sometimes, a video, as it is. This means you cannot miss or cut out any words from the audio while converting to text.

Median Pay for online Data Entry Jobs in India

Here’re some facts about median pay for online data entry jobs in India. These pay scales could vary between companies and the nature of your data entry work.

  • Data entry jobs in India fetch a fairly decent salary in India. The median monthly salary of data entry jobs in India stands at Rs.15,000 or annually, Rs. 180,000. This is a fairly decent amount since it would cover your Internet usage and electricity costs.
  • However, Payscale.com puts the median pay of data entry jobs in India at Rs.20,000 per year. This figure however includes bonuses and overtime pay.
  • On average though, a data entry job fetches you Rs.18,000 per month or Rs.216,000 per month, according to various other sources.

With adequate experience, you can get more pay too. The salaries I mention above are for fresher candidates. As you progress in this profession, you can expect pay scales to rise accordingly.

Finding Data Entry Jobs

There’re various avenues to find online data entry jobs in India. As I mentioned earlier in this article, here’s my list of favourite places in India to look for data entry jobs.

This guide should help you find an online data entry job of your choice and work online to start earning money.

In Conclusion

As I mentioned earlier in this article, beware of scammers that ask you to pay some money up-front to provide an online data entry job. Genuine employers will never ask for money as deposits or to pay for software. Search for these jobs on reputed job boards only.

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