An Ideal Way Every Indian Should Respond to Pulwama Attack

Have you ever felt like responding alone to the Pulwama massacre that left 44 Indian soldiers dead on February 14, 2019?

If so, here are some ideal ways every Indian should respond to Pulwama attack to express anger, grief and solidarity.

Why Respond to Pulwama Attack?

The brutal Pulwama terror attack serves as a rallying point for every patriotic Indian.

While you and I were preparing to celebrate Valentine’s Day, families of 44 soldiers of India’s Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) laid down their life for us.

They fell martyr to a terrorist suicide bombing in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir.

They are not the only martyrs: hundreds of other Indian soldiers have fallen to bullets and bombs by terrorists funded from abroad.

This article is dedicated to the 44 CRPF Jawans and other Indian martyrs that have sacrificed their tomorrows for our today.

If you wish to express grief, anger and solidarity with India and bereaved families of our martyrs, try one or more ways to respond.

Ideal Ways Every Indian Should Respond To Pulwama Attacks

You may be shy of participating in large rallies or shouting slogans in public. Or you may not have time to do something beneficial for families of our martyrs. Hence, you can try the ways we list below.

1. Donate at Bharat ke Veer

This is the best way to pay homage to our fallen heroes. Donate some money at Bharat ke Veer website.

This website is operated by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Your money will go towards the welfare of families of our Indian martyrs.

There are two ways to donate at Bharat ke Veer. You can select a ‘hero’ or any particular martyr.

The website carries pictures and brief descriptions of events leading them to martyrdom. Or you can contribute to the corpus fund, which is divided equally among all martyrs.

You can donate any amount, however small. The maximum donation you can give is Rs.1.5 million (Rs.15 lakh). These donations also provide Income Tax exemption under Section 80-G.

2. Buy Indian Products

If you are a Non Resident Indian or Overseas Citizen of India, buying Indian products instead of those from countries sponsoring terrorists is an ideal way to respond to Pulwama attacks.

You are among nearly 250 million Indians or persons of Indian origin residing abroad.

Hence, it may not be possible to participate in any rally in India or engage in other activities to support our martyrs.

Yet, favouring Indian products over those from countries inimical to India is a great way to respond.

People across the world have boycotted products from certain countries at different times, as a peaceful response against terrorism.

After 26/11 terror attacks on India, most expatriate Indians living in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates had stopped buying products from certain places.

Instead, they bought Indian goods to show solidarity with India and our martyrs. You too can do the same.

3. Create Awareness on Social Media

Anyone reading this article would most likely be on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Social media provides an ideal way for every Indian to respond to Pulwama attacks. Post news articles and updates from reliable sources on your Facebook page.

If you are a member of any group of forum, post such articles on those pages too, where possible.

Tweet and retweet messages such as warnings of terror attacks, statements by Indian leaders condemning terror and international support against terror.

You will definitely find several followers for the cause.

Remember, terrorists are using social media to spread their messages of hatred and violence.

You can effectively use social media to create general awareness about the menace of terrorism faced by India.

A great example of using social media against war on terror is presented by the US Department of Homeland Security.

Also, immediately report any terror group you may come across on Facebook.

Usually, Facebook immediately removes pages of terror networks from its platform. If necessary, alert the local authorities.

4. Never Buy Pirated Stuff

Buying pirated CDs, DVDs and other stuff may sound harmless.

In fact, they are some of the ways by which terror networks get their money to conduct anti-India activities.

While you may be anxious to watch the latest thriller for cheap, the money you paid is being used to perpetrate real life horror.

In recent years, India has outlawed selling pirated CDs and DVDs. Unfortunately, the trade still continues discreetly.

The same holds good for pirated or clones of expensive clothing, watches, smartphones and other stuff.

Terrorist networks buy them cheap and sell at higher prices through unsuspecting retailers. They make big money by violating copyright laws.

5. Stop Funding Dubious Charities

You might be giving money directly to some terrorist network operating against India. Of course, you would be unaware about this.

Remember, a lot of dubious charities that claim to support a noble cause are actually fundraising fronts for terror networks.

Never donate money to any charity, however impressive it may appear, without finding some vital facts.

The Canadian government has some excellent guidelines for its citizens on how to verify credentials of a charity before making donations.

Such charities will usually operate under façade of a legitimate project.

Hence, their premises, pictures and work may appear impressive upon mere glance. But delve deeper and you could stumble upon something suspicious.

Wrap Up

We are confident these ideal ways for every Indian to respond to Pulwama attack will help create awareness about terrorism against our country while providing some assistance to families of our martyrs.

You too can find your own ideal ways to respond to the Pulawama attack and help India in its singlehanded war against terror.

2 thoughts on “An Ideal Way Every Indian Should Respond to Pulwama Attack”

  1. Excellent article. I’m happy that someone has at last taken the lead to show different ways to support India and Indian soldiers after the Pulwama attack. Personally, I believe every responsible Indian should create awareness about terror threat that India is facing since long from Pakistan as well as its main ally, China. Our former Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee had rightly said, ‘ We can change our friends but not our neighbors.’ Indians have to emphasize to the world that we live in a very hostile neighborbood surrounded by two nuclear armed, irresponsible enemies- Pakistan & China. Also, our borders are very porous leaving enough scope for terrorists to enter the country.

    I also encourage every Indian to donate to the Bharat Ke Veer website and any other official charities run by the Indian government.

  2. I love my country, these words are begning and ending of our life,can anybody can tell me who am I whether hindu,muslim or other community I think no because india is our country pakistan has never improved his financial aswell as his people always led their people to die on name of jehad calling kashmir hamara hai I say jo tumahara hai usay sudharo than keep eye on my country from the updates of news pakistan is going day by day below poverty line this becauese pakistan looks india with a bad eyes,one slogan buri nazar wala tera moo kala this would be final result if pakistan wont stop there terriost activity


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