Top 10 Best Green Tea Brands in India

My first tryst with green tea was in the 1990s when a Chinese woman brought a packet while returning from holidays in her hometown.

Not knowing how to brew it, I requested her to make a cup for us. The first taste of green tea was far from enjoyable at best.

The pungent taste was alien to my Indian palate, despite the concoction being flavoured by a dash of lemon and a little honey.

But as I increasingly learned about the benefits of green tea, a couple of cups- sometimes more-has become part of my daily routine.

What is Green Tea?

In simplest words, Green tea is nothing but tea leaves that are cut, dried and packaged. They are not processed. The resultant brew ranges in colour from light green to deep golden, depending upon the variety.

Green tea contains potent doses of caffeine- about 35mg to 50mg per 200ml. This too depends upon brands. It is also said to contain flavonoids, anti-oxidants and other nutrients essential for good health.

Best Green Tea Brands in India

List of Best Green Tea Brands in India

Health benefits of green tea are apparently well received in India if one goes by the number of brands available in the local market. Here we look at several top brands of green tea available in India.


lipton green tea

Lipton is the most popular green tea brand in India and has the widest range of green tea in the Indian market. You can buy green tea leaves or tea bags from Lipton.

They come in a variety of flavours- from original to those infused with lime and other botanicals.

Price: Rs 338/100 Bags

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Also Read: Top 10 Most Popular Tea Brands in India


tetley green tea

Tetley Green Tea from Tata Global Beverages ranks among the topmost selling Green tea brands in India. Tetley Green tea is an unpretentious brand.

Available as tea bags, Tetley Green Tea is made of finest tea leaves from plantations in India’s remote north-east region.

Price: Rs 315/100 Bags

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girnar green tea

Girnar Green Tea from the famous eponymous brand named after a forest range in Gujarat is also very popular in India.

Girnar Green Tea is sourced from the company’s vast tea plantations in Gujarat and other parts of India. This brand is available as tea bags and leaves.

Price: Rs 330/36 Bags

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society green tea

Mumbai-based tea retailer Hasmukhrai & Co is now a major supplier of tea leaves to India. The company’s flagship brand, Society, also offers green tea leaves and tea bags in the market.

Society green tea leaves are preferred by die-hard aficionados of this variant of tea due to their unique taste and fine flavour.

Price: Rs 130/25 Bags

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twining green tea

Twinings, a British tea company with over 300 years in this field has one of the best green teas in the Indian market.

Though Twinings green tea is a bit pricey compared over nearest competitors, the price difference is justifiable. Twinings green tea bags are made with the best cultivars of tea. They have great taste and flavour.

Price: Rs 830/100 Bags

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Organic India

Organic India green tea

Organic India green tea comes from garments and home furnishings major, Fabindia. It is a green tea brand meant for discerning tastes.

Organic India green tea is exactly what the brand claims- 100 percent organic and grown in tea plantations at foothills of Himalaya. Organic India green tea can be bought online or through Fabindia outlets.

Price: Rs 170/25 bags

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Typhoo green tea

Typhoo is a brand of tea from England. In India, you can buy excellent green tea from this brand online.

Generally, Typhoo green tea will not be available at commonplace supermarkets and grocery stores. Typhoo green tea is very affordably priced.

Price: Rs 396/100 Bags

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Khadi green tea

Khadi green tea is sold in India by the local company, Khadi Naturals that also makes green tea-based cosmetics, skincare, hair and beauty products.

Khadi green tea is available as leaves sold in airtight containers. This brand can be bought at select outlets in India and online. Khadi green tea too is for discerning clients.

In addition to plain green tea leaves and bags, several Indian companies also make infusions. They contain green tea extracts to give that added zip.

However, these infusions cannot be called green tea since most of the contents are other ingredients.

Price: Rs 360 for 200 gm

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Benefits of Green Tea

Extensive studies conducted by the US government’s National Institutes of Health, National Health Service of the UK and other reputed institutions have failed to find conclusive evidence that drinking green tea is beneficial to health.

Though green tea is hyped as containing essential flavonoids and anti-oxidants, research has not found any proof of their benefits on the human system.

Some studies starkly revealed excessive green tea consumption can cause various health problems too. However, the same holds true for red tea and coffee too.

Wrap Up

Whether or not to consume green tea is an individual decision. It purely depends upon personal preferences. In India, green tea remains the mainstay of dwellers of urban areas and health conscious.

Green tea is yet to make its mark in rural India. Green tea in India is reasonably priced compared over other countries.

If you are convinced about its health benefits, try one from one of these eight topmost brands of green tea in India.

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