10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India

The Himalaya Drug Co Ltd is one of the oldest firms in India that specializes in herbal healthcare and cosmetic products.

Himalaya’s herbal medicines and cosmetics are popular in India and abroad.

The range of products offered by Himalaya Drug Co is very vast and covers almost everyone- from neonates to adults.

If you are interested in buying some of the top 10 Himalaya products, this list would prove very useful.

Top 10 Best Himalaya Products List in India

1. Liv-52

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B005LF4S16&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=IN&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=sasti 21&language=en IN 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in Indiair?t=sasti 21&language=en IN&l=li3&o=31&a=B005LF4S16 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India Liv-52 is a household name in India. As the name suggests, Liv-52 is a medicine for your liver.

Its key ingredients include the Caper Bush and Chicory. Extracts of these plants are known for their detoxifying and liver protecting properties.

Liv-52 is commonly used to treat Hepatitis (jaundice), loss of appetite and helping digestion.

It is the drug of choice in alcohol recovery treatment: it assists repair of liver damaged by heavy liquor consumption. Liv-52 is also available as a syrup.

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2. Tentex Forte

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B003MP2A2Q&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=IN&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=sasti 21&language=en IN 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in Indiair?t=sasti 21&language=en IN&l=li3&o=31&a=B003MP2A2Q 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India Combining the beneficial effects of Winter Cherry, Shilajeet, Cowhage and Small Caltrops along with extracts of other precious herbs, Tentex Forte tablets is unique medicine in its class.

Synergistic effects of these herbs improve testosterone secretion in men while promoting the production of hormones that stimulate the brain’s pleasure system.

It effectively relieves stress. Overall, these effects contribute to greater libido and enjoyment of carnal intimacy for men.

Tentex Forte uses an ancient formula for aphrodisiacs mentioned by Ayurveda.

3. Cystone/ Cystone Forte

Anyone suffering from kidney stones and cyst should go for Cystone or Cystone Forte tablets.

Cystone contains extracts of Shilapushpa, Small Caltrops and Pasanabheda. Cystone Forte also contains extracts of Nagaramusta and Gohjiva.

These tablets prevent saturation of uric acid and calcium in your kidneys, thereby preventing kidney stones.

Cystone also weakens and dissolves small kidney stones, allowing for their painless passage.

Active ingredients in Cystone and Cystone Forte have a mild diuretic effect and hence help kidney function.

They are excellent medicines to prevent or remove kidney stones. Cystone is also available as a syrup.

4. Gasex

If you suffer from gas and digestion related problems, take Gasex tablets.

Gasex tablets deliver pre-biotic, anti-flatulent, antacid, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects on your digestive system.

They also protect the liver and promote intestinal function. Gasex tablets have moderate carminative effects.

As a result, they reduce the formation of gas and help rid acidity related problems after sustained use.

Gasex tablets contain asafetida, carom, fenugreek extracts as well as those of precious herbs.

It is one of the best medicines available across the counter to get rid of digestive problems and promote appetite.

5. Bonnisan

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00HAFZ59Y&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=IN&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=sasti 21&language=en IN 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in Indiair?t=sasti 21&language=en IN&l=li3&o=31&a=B00HAFZ59Y 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India Should you have a newborn child or expecting a baby soon, consider Bonnisan.

It is India’s first and only purely herbal gripe water. Bonnisan syrup relieves a newborn baby’s abdominal pains, gas problems and other common disorders.

It contains extracts of Dill Oil and Indian Gooseberry that gently relieves stomach pain among infants and tones their delicate digestive system.

Another ingredient, Tinospora Gulancha extracts prevent the formation of intestinal worms in babies.

This is a fully herbal, time tested and proven product that comes with the traditional Himalaya stamp of purity and reliability.

6. Geriforte

Stressed and fatigued due to hectic routine or is it getting harder to cope with demands of life due to ageing.

If this is your problem, take Geriforte tablets or syrup. Geriforte contains concentrated Chyavanprash and Winter Cherry.

It helps senior citizens stay in good physical and mental health.

It is ideal for middle aged women and men too, since these ingredients help cope with stress and tiredness of mind and body.

You can also prevent any age-related debilities from developing, by taking Geriforte during mid-age. It is a unique product that works on the body and brain and delays the effects of ageing.

7. HiOwna Momz

HiOwna Momz is a product ideal for pregnant and lactating women.

It contains concentrated extracts of herbs, nuts and fruits that are known for their high nutritional value.

Hence, it provides adequate doses of various nutrients to expectant and lactating mothers.

HiOwna offers ample nutrition in an easy to absorb form for pregnant and lactating women.

Since it is made of purely natural ingredients, the fetus and newborn child remain protected from effects of chemical based products.

8. Himalaya Anti Dandruff Hair Oil

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B006G84LGE&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=IN&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=sasti 21&language=en IN 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in Indiair?t=sasti 21&language=en IN&l=li3&o=31&a=B006G84LGE 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India People that suffer from dandruff for any reason generally shun hair oil. Should you be one such victim, use Himalaya Anti Dandruff Hair Oil.

It contains Tea Tree Oil and Rosemary extracts, among other herbal ingredients.

This hair oil destroys dandruff causing microbes including bacteria and fungus on your scalp while preventing their formation.

Its ingredients also nourish the scalp and promote hair growth.

The added advantage of this product is resultant long and shiny hair that develops as result of sustained use.

9. Himalaya Complete Care Toothpaste

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B01MV5G8K6&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=IN&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=sasti 21&language=en IN 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in Indiair?t=sasti 21&language=en IN&l=li3&o=31&a=B01MV5G8K6 10 Best Himalaya Herbals Products in India Few toothpastes in the world can offer effects that Himalaya Complete Care delivers.

This 100 percent vegetarian and purely herbal toothpaste from Himalaya offers antibacterial, astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, thanks to its unique Ayurvedic formula.

Himalaya Complete Care Toothpaste cares for your teeth, protects your mouth against odor causing germs, promotes gum health by preventing bleeding and sponginess while preventing cavity causing bacteria from building up on teeth.

It also has anti-plaque properties. Try Himalaya Complete Care Toothpaste for improving overall mouth hygiene and protection of teeth and gums.

10. Himalaya Aloe & Cucumber Body Lotion

Pamper your skin with this superb moisturizing and nourishing body lotion. Himalaya Aloe & Cucumber Refreshing Body Lotion is non-sticky and lightweight on your skin.

It provides a high dose of moisturizing and nourishment for your skin. This lotion is ideal for all skin types.

While Aloe Vera soothes the skin, Cucumber provides a cooling effect, thereby healing any inflammations.

It also helps smoothen your skin and gives it a fresh, glowing appearance.

Very reasonably priced, Himalaya Aloe & Cucumber Body Lotion is an excellent product in the herbal skincare range.

Other Top Himalaya Products

While we rank these products from Himalaya Drug Co Ltd as topmost, the company has several unique herbal medicines and wellness solutions too.

  • Confido (earlier Speman Forte): This product helps improve semen quality and promotes the development of male sperms. Useful in treating impotence and male sterility due to low testosterone levels and poor sperm count.
  • Koflet: An excellent cough syrup from Himalaya that uses honey as a base. It is made with herbs that remove throat inflammation and helps expectoration. It is ideal for use in dry and wet cough.
  • Mentat: This is a very useful Ayurvedic medicine if you are studying or engaged in work that requires high mental focus. Mentat relieves stress and promotes brain function that translates as increased memory.
  • Himalaya Honey & Cream Soap: This soap is ideal for women that want a glowing, fresh and younger looking skin. It contains honey and cream along with other herbal ingredients. It treats your skin even as you bathe.
  • Himalaya Under Eye Cream: Getting rid of those ugly dark circles under your eyes is very easy with this cream. Its unique tube makes direct application of the cream to dark circles easy. Made with herbal extracts, it does not irritate your eyes.

Wrap Up

Himalaya Drug Co Ltd sells its products at upmarket pharmacies, stores and supermarkets across India.

The company also runs Himalaya Herbals, its own brand store in most major cities and at select locations abroad.

Himalaya products have carved a formidable niche in the international market. You can buy these products online too.

Himalaya Drug Co Ltd has its own research and development department that tests various formulas from India’s ancient form of medicine- Ayurveda.

Its products are made with the best natural ingredients that grown in dense tropical forests of India and select plantations.

Since all products of Himalaya- medicines, wellness and nutritional, among others are herb based, you remain protected against any adverse reactions and side effects.

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