Step-by-step Guide: How to Make Money as a Freelancer

I know it is very frustrating not getting a job even after completing Graduation.

Are you too in a similar situation?

Don’t worry I have got an alternative option for you.


If you’ve no idea what freelancing is then let me explain it to you in simple words:

A freelancer is a person who offers his/her skills to other Individual, Entrepreneur, or any small or large businesses.

To simplify things even further:

Freelancing is kind of self-employment Job. You offer your skills to the required person and in return get paid for it.

There are Excellent freelance jobs which you can Join Right Now and start making Money immediately.

The only thing you need to become a freelancer is SKILLS.

You can do these jobs from home and often earn more Money than people who work at offices.

How to become a freelancer and make money

Freelance Work: Overview

There are several reasons you can choose to work as a freelancer over a regular Job.

About 36 percent of America’s workforce or 53 million people consists of freelancers- the highest in the world.

Ranking second is India, with estimated 22 million freelancers. Member states of the European Union have a combined 12 million freelance workers.

According to industry research, the trend is expected to continue as increasing number of people will opt for freelance jobs over regular employment.

You can benefit from this shift and earn lucrative income with freelance jobs.

Also read: Top 10 Online Jobs for Students in India

Types of Freelancer

It is fairly easy to make money as a freelancer, either as fresher or qualified and experienced professional.

However, you have to follow some simple steps before beginning to work as a freelancer and earning considerable money. There are two distinct types of freelance jobs.

  • Part-time Freelancer: This means you will have a steady job with an employer. However, you will work during spare hours at home and generally online, to make extra money.
  • Full-Time Freelancer: As the term implies, you will not have permanent or regular employment anywhere. Instead, you will work on one or more projects online that are available on a freelance basis.

Once you have decided on how you wish to work as a freelancer, follow these steps to get good freelance jobs and make money.

Step-1: Find Internships

This step is very essential for a fresher. Working as intern or trainee with any reputed organization enables you to learn tricks and tweaks of the profession where you wish to work as a freelancer.

Qualified professionals need not search for internships and trainee jobs. Internship and training also help a fresher develop contacts in the industry that can come handy for various reasons such as references and finding freelance jobs.

For example, working as trainee graphic designer helps you gain vital insights into the use of software, assist professionals and practice skills.  You can also seek assistance from these professionals when freelancing.

Step-2: LinkedIn Profile

Nowadays, a LinkedIn profile plays a major role in helping you to network with companies and professionals in your field.

An excellent LinkedIn profile will help you get freelance work with reputed companies that fairly decent amount of money for your efforts.

Additionally, it also helps you to remain abreast with latest trends in your industry and technological developments. A lot of freelance jobs are also advertised on LinkedIn.

Freelance engineers, accountants, IT experts and other professionals will benefit immensely from a LinkedIn profile.

Step-3: Create Excellent CV

Freelancers also require a CV or resume. Employers will want to see your educational qualifications, experience and skills before giving you a freelance job online.

This is necessary because online freelance jobs often do not involve a personal interview. Hence, your CV is the only way a prospective employer can assess whether you are capable of doing the necessary work or project.

If you are a content writer, sending unedited samples of your work is helpful. Also mention websites, blogs and companies whom you have provided content.

Where possible, include links of such online content to support your CV and application.

Step-4: Register on Freelancing Websites

This is the most important step to make money as a freelancer. Several well-reputed freelancing websites dedicated to connecting freelancers with employers are operating around the world.

Find websites that offer freelance jobs in your country or geographical location. Remember to post your skills under different designations, titles and tasks related to your field of work.

Should you possess any exceptional skills or have executive major projects, highlight those on your online profile. Such mentions are particularly noticed by employers, increasing chances of getting a high paid freelance work.

Register on several websites. This ensures that you maintain a continuum of freelance work and there are no patches of unemployment.

Step-5: Finding Freelance Jobs

Once you register and post your profile online, there are two ways to find freelance jobs in India. Your profile will attract prospective employers. You will receive an email from these employers describing the nature of work.

Some employers will include details about payment and ask you to quote a price. Others may simply ask how much money you will charge.

The other way to make money as a freelancer is by browsing for jobs on these websites. Upon finding suitable jobs, you have to place a bid or quote the price.

If your price is acceptable, the employer will request samples of your work such as engineering designs, accountancy projects, content, graphic design and others.

If the sample work impresses an employer and your price is acceptable, you will get the freelance work.

Also Read:

Step-6: How Much Money can you Make as a Freelancer?

This is very important for you to make money as a freelancer. If you enroll on Fiverr, the minimum work fetches US$5 or its equivalent in your currency.

However, you can charge add-ons for extra work through Fiverr. On other websites, you have to bid for freelance work or quote a price.

This process can be fairly complex since an employer will not disclose their location. This is because they wish to benefit from currency exchange rates.

For example, if you quote Rs.1,000 for a freelance work, it works to about US$15, which can be much lesser than what an employer is willing to pay.

You can bid higher provided you know the price. This is fairly simple: Search online for existing rates based on an hourly basis in different countries for freelance work. This will enable you to know how much you can safely quote.

Step-7: Crowd Sourcing Jobs

Crowd-sourced jobs are for everyone- part-time and full-time freelancers.

There are several excellent crowd-sourcing platforms based in the US, Europe and other countries.

Crowd-sourcing is a process by which companies form teams of experts in different locations to work on large projects.

They can involve anything from graphic design to creating software and complex engineering diagrams. Crowd-sourced projects pay extremely well.

You can make money as a freelancer by enrolling on reputed crowd-sourcing platforms.

Additionally, you also get an opportunity to network with peers and experts in your field, located in distant places.

Including a major project on your freelance jobseeker profile works wonders it helps you find better jobs that pay more money.

Step-8: Take Multiple Projects

This is the best way to make money as a freelancer. Ensure that you are working on two or more projects.

All freelance projects come with a deadline and do not depend upon work hours.

This means, you have to submit your completed work with any corrections or alterations before the time given by the employer.

Some work can be done quickly while others take longer. Create a portfolio of your work. This way you are assured that you have a steady income.

However, making a portfolio of tasks can often be strenuous: you need to strike a proper balance between how much work you can complete online and your personal life. Else, you can end up overworking and stress.

Step-9: Get PayPal Account

Since online freelance jobs can come from any country, it may not be possible for your employer to send you cheque or credit money directly into a bank account.

However, you can easily receive payments from such freelance work through PayPal, the global payments gateway. In India, your PayPal wallet is linked to your bank account.

This means, the money gets directly credited to your bank. Opening a PayPal account is very easy. All you need is a mobile number and smart-phone.

Download the PayPal app and complete the necessary Know Your Customer formalities. This way, you can receive money from foreign clients legitimately.

Step-10: Outsource Your Work

You can make more money as a freelancer by outsourcing some of the work to a fresher and paying them for the task.

Through outsourcing, you are able to get more projects for timely delivery.

While you focus on large ones, a fresher can work on smaller freelance jobs. You may have to provide finishing touches to work outsourced from a fresher.

You can also enlist some help of a professional where possible, to improve quality of the project. This will help you in gaining vital knowledge about the field and provide superior work to the employer.

Hence, an employer may also consider you for future freelance work. While outsourcing, ensure the person you entrust the work is reliable and capable of delivering on schedule.

In Conclusion

Freelance work is an excellent option for those looking at earning a high income without the bother of reporting to a boss and commuting to the office.

According to various sources, freelancers in India earn between Rs.10,000 and Rs.800,000 per month, depending upon the profession and sector.

Hourly wages vary between Rs.100 to Rs.600, also depending upon nature of the work.

Highest paid freelance jobs are in IT and engineering sector followed by logistics, content writing, graphic designing and online coaching. Using the tips mentioned above, you can make money as a freelancer by simply exerting some extra efforts.

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