10 Most Effective Anti Dandruff Shampoos In India (Men & Women)

There are innumerable Shampoo Brands in India for many hair problems like thin hair, dry hair, oily hair and many more. But the most common hair problem faced by children, women and men in India is DANDRUFF! You may appear untidy if dandruff is strewn all over your shirt or face. Dandruff can cause you … Read more

Top 10 Pure and Organic Honey Brands in India For Weight Loss

Honey reserves a very special place in India’s diverse culture. It is used in religious ceremonies as a medicine, sweetener, bread spread, instant energy booster and several other purposes. Ancient Indian texts including Vedas pay rich tributes to honey for its versatility. Thanks to dense rainforests and apiaries across India, it is possible to get … Read more

Top 10 Best Beard Growth Oil in India For Men Which Give You That Hunk Look

Growing a Beard isn’t Easy. It’s really Difficult to Grow Beard. But that doesn’t stop men from Sporting a beard. Nowadays, sporting a beard has become very fashionable in India. Top movie stars and sports personalities sport some sort of beard. While it is okay to grow a beard, maintaining it can prove very difficult. … Read more

Top 10 Strong and Effective Deodorants for Men in India

Men generally spend longer time outdoors or engage in jobs that require some level of physical activity. Most parts of India also experience hot and humid weather almost round the year. Performing such jobs is fine while nothing much can be done about sultry weather. However, if your work or weather is causing your body … Read more

Top 10 Best Concealers in India for Oily Skin and Acne Scars

Ageing affects every woman. It is inevitable and irreversible. Unfortunately, ageing wreaks havoc on female skin and adversely impacts your fine facial features. Thankfully, there is nothing to worry. Nowadays there are excellent cosmetics that retard the ageing process and conceal any damage it wrought on your skin. Among such cosmetics are concealers. Concealers are … Read more

10 Best Long-Lasting Deodorants for Women in India

A woman, having a strong body odour can be very embarrassing. People will twitch noses when you approach or simply shun contact of any sort. Worse, it can severely affect your employment and mar your career. Moreover, if you are a student, a strong body odour will affect socialising. Even if you look beautiful, boys … Read more

Top 10 Best Eyeliners in India That Doesn’t Smudge

Our eyes tell even more than the words could ever say. They are not only the most beautiful but also our most highly developed human sensory organ. Thus it becomes truly essential for a woman to enhance the beauty of these eyes and there are eye products which are available for the same purpose. Eyeliner … Read more

How To Look Beautiful And Attractive Naturally

“Looking beautiful Today” It sounds so simple and yet sharing this compliment might just brighten someone’s day or even may change the way we look at the things in our life. Thus people strive hard to get that gorgeous look. However, due to our busy lives, our natural beauty is lost as we fail to invest … Read more

Top 10 Best Rated And Long Lasting Mascaras in India For Sensitive Eyes

“Beauty is how you feel on the inside and it reflects in your eyes,” said popular Hollywood actress, Sophia Loren. Indeed, beautiful eyes enhance the appeal of every woman on this planet. You could not have possibly chosen the colour, shape and size of the eyes. However, you can surely enhance the beauty of your … Read more

10 Most Effective Tips To Get Smooth & Glowing Skin Naturally At Home

Regardless whether female or male, you would definitely want smooth crystal clear glowing skin. Skin is the largest organ of our body. It is a very complex organ that serves multiple purposes. At the same time, our skin is also most prone to damage by various elements. Air and water pollution, prolonged exposure to sunlight, … Read more